Sunday 31 May 2015


                                 football is the most popular game which is both thrilling and beautiful.It is every child's dream to learn football and by this article, i'm intending to teach you about the basics of football training.Generally a good professional or skilled footballer learns football through an academy starting from his early ages.But if you are willing to practice hard, no matter what age you are you can learn football very well.


            Dribbling is the most basic step you will have to learn in football.dribbling occurs successfully  if you are well familiarized with the ball.There's some kind of sync you have to develop between your mind and feet with the movement of the ball.To achieve this,practice kicking ball and moving along with a ball to and fro or sideways.You have to alter the balls movement according to your will by tapping over the ball by the bottom of boots.Try this against some obstacles placed around without knocking on them. To get great control over high balls, you can kick the ball high and try controlling the ball with chest or head sometimes also. Continue practicing this for at least an hour each day and you will see great achievement within weeks.


                  Passing is an important skill you have to develop since football is a team game.There are different kind of passes such as direct pass,through pass,back pass, long pass,one two pass.In a direct pass,players near by pass the ball by hitting straight to them.It is most common pass in the game.through pass requires good timing and mind coordination with the other one.The chances to this passes are very rare and when happens leads to goal.Back pass is performed when there is no way you can proceed forward.Long pass is kicking ball long precisely to the distant team mate when nobody is near him.One two pass involves passing between two players to overcome some opposite players.For all kinds of these passing ,you will need precision and good timing to kick the ball.


            Shooting ball to goal only leads to winning in football.Shooting requires strength of legs and speed and accuracy.You may seen a small gap to the goal between opposite players and by quick and fast shooting you can make it into a have to practice shooting to a goalpost with and without goalkeeper daily.A good shooter must should have strong legs.To increase leg power, you can do exercises like swats a couple of times daily.
That's all about basics of football training.Keep practicing daily and you will be a football player soon.